Welcome !
"I want to inspire you to be who you truly are and shine your light into the world, with my music, art, writings, retreats, courses and events...
My Cd "Shine" is especially for women with the purpose of inspiring and strengthen you on your own uniqe path.
My book "The Women's Circle" is only available in Swedish right now, but I am about to translate it into English. I know that women's circles fulfill a beautiful purpose for women ... The book has inspired many women to invite to their own warm loving circle in order to strengthen and encourage one another.
I love to paint. Welcome into my art gallery.
For over 20 years I have also offered retreats, courses, women's circles and even festivals at the Mundekulla Retreat Center ... Together with my ex husband I am the founder of this beautiful place, www.mundekulla.se
I also spend part of my time in Spain where I offer retreats, women's circles, singing and events. In the area around Nerja and Frigiliana
Love, Anne Solveig
A beautiful blend of soft music and uplifting songs that is strengthening and inspiring.
"Thank you for a wonderful Cd. It fills me with joy and love. Some of the songs just make me wanna dance. And some I just enjoy to relax with. The whole Cd feels very healing."
Janet Forsberg
"Ohh how much I play your Cd and I often sing the songs while out walking. It has given me soo much."
Ann-Sofi Nilsson
"Helena and I listened to the music and it was really enjoyable. You sing with a nice voice and the lyrics and music is beautiful. A very good experience! Thank you."
Felix Lancelot o Helena Soluna
"Just want to say how much I like your music. It makes me happy."
Nina Hedberg
" If you just knew how much I enjoy your new Cd " Shine". It´s so good and professional like a world artist with her own style. Wonderful!"
Carina Hansson
My book in Swedish
"The womens circle a strengthening experience"
"This book is not only a good guidance if you want to create a woman circle, it is also a joy to read."
Monica Katarina Frisk
"What a beautiful book you have written. We have used it a lot in my educations."
Agneta Nyholm Winquist
”I want to thank you so much for this book. I feel so strengthened as a woman."
Lena-Maria Liljefors
"What a magical circle we created yesterday. I feel moved to tears. Such a deep and beautiful conversation. I feel love and thankfulness. Thank you Anne for your wonderful book. I held it close to me and it gave me strength to feel your presence."
Katrin Skoglund